
The Timeline feature in K8Studio provides a detailed chronological view of events and status changes for selected Kubernetes objects. This powerful tool enhances visibility and understanding of an object’s history by displaying events in a time-ordered sequence, complete with color and icon coding to indicate the severity of each event.


Key Features

  1. Chronological Event Display
    • Time-Ordered Events: View all events and status changes for a selected object in a clear, chronological order. This allows users to trace the history and progression of the object’s state over time.
  2. Severity Indicators
    • Color-Coded Events: Events are color-coded based on their severity levels, providing a quick visual cue to identify critical issues at a glance. For example, severe errors might be highlighted in red, warnings in yellow, and informational messages in green.
    • Icon Coding: Each event is marked with an icon that represents its severity level, adding an additional layer of clarity. Icons help distinguish between errors, warnings, and normal operations easily.
  3. Detailed Event Information
    • Event Details: Click on any event in the timeline to view detailed information about it. This includes timestamps, descriptions, and any associated messages, offering comprehensive insights into what occurred at each point in time.
  4. Status Changes
    • Visual Status Indicators: Instantly recognize changes in the object’s status through visual indicators. The timeline clearly marks transitions between different states, helping users understand the lifecycle and current state of the object.