Helm View and Release Management in K8studio

The Helm view in K8studio offers a centralized platform for efficient management of Helm repositories and releases within Kubernetes clusters. It simplifies the deployment and management of charts, providing a seamless experience for users to install, update, and explore Helm releases.

Helm View and Release Management in K8studio

Key Features

  1. Centralized Repository Management:
    • Easily manage Helm repositories from a single interface. Add new repositories, specify their names and URLs, and delete existing repositories as needed. This streamlined process ensures that charts are readily accessible for deployment.
  2. Chart Installation and Configuration:
    • Utilize the Helm view to search for charts and initiate installations. Upon selecting a chart, view comprehensive documentation in the center panel. Customize installation options such as release names, target namespaces, and chart versions using the Install panel and YAML editor. This flexibility allows for tailored deployments to meet specific application requirements.
  3. Exploring Helm Releases:
    • Navigate through installed releases effortlessly within the left panel. Selecting a release provides detailed insights:
      • Notes: Access available notes pertinent to the released chart.
      • Resources: Review all Kubernetes resources deployed as part of the release.
      • History: Track deployment history and revisions, facilitating effective release management and auditing.
  4. Release Management Actions:
    • Delete: Easily remove releases by selecting them and clicking the delete button in the central information panel.
    • Rollback: Rollback releases to previous versions when necessary, ensuring flexibility and control over deployments.
    • Update: Modify release configurations directly from the right panel. Adjust release names, namespaces, and custom chart values as needed. Click "Update" to apply changes seamlessly.